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The Chemo Therapy Sessionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 13515 words)

Author: Joshua
Added: Oct 07 2015Views / Reads: 2764 / 1464 [53%]Story vote: 10.00 (10 votes)
Bill is recovering from cancer thru weekly treatments. Older nurse Millie provides special therapy even the doctor didn't prescribe.

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This is a true tale of a sexual experience between a younger man and an older woman. Be forewarned, however: If you're looking for a tale about a teenager or twenty-something finding an older woman and discovering the joys of sex with older woman, well, this isn't the story for you. It is, though, the fact-is-stranger-than-fiction tale about a forty-six year old man and a seventy-four year old woman. And my friends, every word you're about to read is true.

Ten years ago, I'd been undergoing chemotherapy treatments after having endured cancer surgery four months earlier. The surgery went fine but to do everything possible at his disposal to ensure the cancer did not return, my physician made arrangements for me to undergo chemotherapy sessions every two weeks. The process was simple, really: I'd report to the cancer lab every other Friday just after lunch, and make my way to one of the private treatment rooms. The rooms had these large, comfortable recliners that could fold down to a completely flat position if I wanted. Usually, however, I simply reclined back enough to remain sitting. The nurses and staff connected the feed tube with the chemo solution into a port located in my upper left chest. For the next four hours, I was restricted to very little movement, but I could read or sleep, watch television, or simply chat with my wife who was there for the duration of the four hour treatment. From there, I spent the remainder of the weekend wearing a small fanny pack that contained a chemo pump which sent the cancer killing solution throughout my body. On Sunday morning, a home-health nurse arrived and disconnected me from ...

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