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Love (F**k) the one you’re with: 5> A plumb jobthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4491 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 08 2015Views / Reads: 4014 / 3009 [75%]Story vote: 9.67 (12 votes)
After her morning work-out at the gym, Gloria arrived home to find the two plumbers her husband had called out, waiting, disgruntledly, for her. Soon after, her husband calls, and rain-checks their planned ‘afternoon delight’, leaving Gloria horny and…!

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Story outline: After her morning work-out at the gym, Gloria arrived home to find the two plumbers her husband had called out, waiting, disgruntledly, for her. Soon after, her husband calls, and rain-checks their planned ‘afternoon delight', leaving Gloria horny and...!

As Gloria Roberts pulled up the long inclined drive to her home, the silver grey Saab glinting in the hot rays of the sunlight, her vision presently caught sight of two men who were stood outside and at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to her front door.

Dressed in navy blue overalls and both wearing a peak cap, their arms were noticeably folded, an intimation that they had been waiting some while, which they had.

When Ray, Gloria's husband, had gotten up for work that morning, he had noticed a problem with the toilet cistern. Not wanting to disturb Gloria, who wouldn't be awake for another hour, he left a note about it downstairs and called them on his drive into work.

‘I wonder what they could want,' Gloria mused, as she got nearer and presently stopped.

With the car parked, she opened her door and stepped out. Dressed in a short black sports top, one that could easily double as a bra, and tight fitting black aerobics leggings, Gloria, unconcerned by the men's ...

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