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Husbands Unforgetable Giftthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2995 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Oct 12 2015Views / Reads: 5008 / 3514 [70%]Story vote: 9.28 (29 votes)
It was my husbands birthday and I decided to give him a gift that he would never forget...

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I was sitting in my kitchen, pondering what I could do for my husband as his birthday was coming up and it was one of his milestone so I wanted to make it memorable for him. I felt like I needed to do something big but couldn't figure out what I should do. I started thinking of some of the conversations that we had in the last several weeks to see if I could come up with any ideas. As I thought about it, I remembered one conversation in particular that stood out to me. Usually, every Friday night we would sit downstairs in his man cave and have a few drinks together while unwinding. After a couple of drinks, the conversation would always turn sexual. We often talked about different fantasies that we had and there was one that my husband and I both had. One of the fantasies that we had discussed was having a threesome. Now while most guys fantasize about being with two women, my husband didn't. Instead, he said that his fantasy was to have a three-way with another guy present so that he could watch that guy fuck me. I found it kind of odd, but he reassured me that he wanted nothing to do with the guy. He just wanted to partake and watch while the other guy fucked me repeatedly. A threesome with two guys was also one of my fantasies so I wasn't against it. It was something we had discussed several times but never actually tried to do.

Now, as I sat here thinking about different ideas for his birthday, that stuck out to me. It was something that I was definitely interested in, but I didn't have a clue as to how I would even try to make it happen. I sat and thought about it for a while and tried to come up with ...

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