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Myrathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 6494 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Oct 15 2015Views / Reads: 1979 / 1342 [68%]Story vote: 8.30 (10 votes)
She was going to cheat wasn't she?

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It didn't come as a surprise to me because I had been expecting it or at least something like it.

It was a Wednesday and Myra and I were eating dinner when she said, "Don't make any plans for us this weekend. The girls from work and I are going to a spa for the weekend. One of the girls arranged for a group package. It will be a weekend of mud baths, mudpacks manicures, pedicures and the like."


"Okay? That's it? Just okay?"

"What did you expect?"

"I thought that you would want to talk about it."

I looked her right in the eye and said, "You did not say "Honey, would it be all right with you if..." or "Tom would you mind if..."or Babe, the girls at work are planning on a weekend away and would you mind if..." you just told me that you were going and so I said okay."

I put my fork down, wiped my mouth with a napkin and then stood up and headed for the door.


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