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Making New Friends In The Woods (Part 2)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2367 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Pegasus4 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 27 2015Views / Reads: 1250 / 818 [65%]Part vote: 9.55 (11 votes)
The 2nd part of Making New Friends In The Woods where we end up in a hot outdoor foursome.

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Please read part 1 first to follow the story line.

The atmosphere was surreal and apart from that single word, neither one of us had spoken yet. The man's wife, still lying on top of Jay, their naked bodies pressed together on top of the fallen tree trunk, looked directly into Jay's eyes and simply said, ‘Hi, my name is Sally.'

That simple announcement from Sally to Jay seemed to shatter the illusory perspective of our situation and, looking back at the man beside me, we just burst out laughing. It just seemed so bizarre to see my wife naked under another woman, her legs wrapped around her waist and their gorgeous breasts pressed together, then to hear this woman introduce herself like that.

Both Jay and Sally remained in position and stared at us in mock irritation until Jay reminded us that we were in no position to chuckle, standing there with our still erect penises protruding from our shorts.

Sally was the first to move, rolling sideways off Jay, placing both feet onto the ground and facing us. Turning to Jay she introduced her husband, Jason. I then spoke and told them both that the now nude woman getting up from the tree was my wife, Jay, and that my name is Spider.

Jay stepped up behind Sally and whispered something in her ear. Both ...

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