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He Got Me Toothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3332 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Oct 29 2015Views / Reads: 2524 / 2092 [83%]Story vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
I reconnect and hang out with a couple of old classmates, and one of them just so happened to have fucked my husband's ex girlfriend back when they dated....now it was my turn to hang...

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I was cleaning up the house a bit late one afternoon when my sister-in-law stopped by to visit. I grabbed a couple glasses of wine as the two of us sat in the living room and chit chatted for a while. As we were talking, she told me that while she was out a few days earlier, she ran into a couple of old friends of ours that we had gone to school with. I asked her who they were and she said that it was an old boyfriend of hers whose name was Mario and his best friend Sean, who we used to hang out with back when we were in high school. We had all been pretty close and obviously she had dated Mario, but after high school they had gone their separate ways and we hadn't seen either one of the guys. She said that she had run into them while having lunch at a local pizzeria and they ended up joining her for lunch where the three of them chatted and caught up a bit. While they were chatting, they asked how I was doing and what I had been up to. I was both surprised and flattered that they'd still remember me after all these years. It turned out that they were in town for a few days while attending to some business matters and were hoping to catch up with a few old friends while they were here.

After chatting about it for a bit, I told my sister-in-law to set something up so that we could all hang out because I would love to catch up with the guys. After all, it had been almost 13 years since I had last seen them so it would be nice to catch up with some old friends and would also be a nice change of pace from my daily routine. She told me that she would set up a lunch date and get back to me later ...

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