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I Became His Personal Groupiethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3157 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Nov 26 2015Views / Reads: 4474 / 2541 [57%]Story vote: 9.21 (14 votes)
A group of old school friends started a band and I was one of their biggest fans....especially the drummer...

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About five or six years ago, a group of friends from high school who all loved playing music, decided to get together and start a small band. At first it started as a little garage band that would play local parties and whatnot, but slowly as their popularity increased around the neighborhood, they began to play local bars here in town. They were very good and attracted the attention of many people. They definitely had a passion for playing the music and had plenty of support from their friends. Slowly, thanks to social media, they began to gain popularity and ventured into other towns to play bars and parties. Their popularity grew in the area and they got pretty busy playing many gigs. Whenever they would play, a group of us would go and watch the shows to support them. We began following them around, enjoying the show that they were putting on and we ended up going to many different cities here in our state. Their popularity was growing and the guys were enjoying every minute of it. They weren't a huge rock band or anything like that, but were rather popular here in our state, considering where they had come from. Everyone who was around them was very happy for them and continued to support them.

This pretty much went on for the last couple of years, as they continued playing gigs all over the state. I went to as many shows as I could, to show my support. I had plenty of fun whenever I went to the shows, dancing and enjoying the music. During that time, I noticed some of the band members joking around and maybe even getting a bit friendly with some of the ladies who were following them around. I began noticing ...

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