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Sex starved women: 5> Coerced by the workmen this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 6110 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 25 2016Views / Reads: 3226 / 2159 [67%]Story vote: 9.78 (9 votes)
After an almost dreamy morning, paying little attention to the two workmen her absent husband had hired, Jessie Davenport went to see if her seven-month-old son, George, was awake yet, only to receive a phone call from Trevor, her secret phone-sex guy.

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Story outline: After an almost dreamy morning, paying little attention to the two workmen her absent husband had hired, Jessie Davenport went to see if her seven-month-old son, George, was awake yet, only to receive a phone call from Trevor, her secret phone-sex guy.

Chapter 1: Phone-sex.

Come Wednesday, I had rather expected the workmen that my husband, Michael, had hired, to have been finished. It was on Wednesday, that my secret phone-sex lover called me up for a chat. During our talks, I would pour out my heart at how dissatisfied I am with my marriage, even though I'd been blessed with a baby boy. Some months before and since the birth of George, our seven-month-old son, Michael's hardly touched me; least not in any intimate way.

Feeling neglected more than despondent, and in need of someone to talk to, I, while at my local library and using the internet for something, noticed a pop-up advert at the side of the page I was browsing. ‘Phone buddies', I seem to recall it said.

Out of curiosity, I clicked the advert and was transferred to their home page. There, I noticed about ten segregated items, each one listing a reason why a phone buddy could help. I clicked on one that sounded right for me and was immediately captured by what it said. ‘Sounds perfect,' I thought cheerily, but expected there to be a catch. ...

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