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The Repairman's Delightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 3158 words)

Author: Max Barraclough
Added: Mar 13 2016Views / Reads: 3895 / 2596 [67%]Story vote: 9.00 (10 votes)
A young man learns how much he likes it when other men see his girl (future wife) nude.

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I was eighteen years old and scheduled to graduate in six weeks. I had a driver's license, borrowed car, and my hormones were running in overdrive. My girlfriend would have been voted most likely to appear in Playboy if the senior class had such a category. She loved me and I said one day I'd marry her.

On a beautiful Saturday morning, I drove my father's old Chevy to the pre-war bungalow where Roni and her mother lived. I only had enough money for gasoline and our lunch that afternoon, so I couldn't afford condoms and would have to suffer through one of Roni's combination hand-job / blow-jobs and she'd have to settle for me sucking her nipples, licking her clit, and pushing my tongue into her cunt until she shuddered with one of her explosive orgasms.

I pulled up to the house, put the shifter into neutral, and set the hand brake. Just as Roni's mother stepped out of the side door, a panel truck from the gas company pulled to the curb behind me.

I walked up to my future mother-in-law, but the guy from the gas company had yet to leave his vehicle.

"I'm going to work," she said. "Take the repairman in and have Veronica show him what's wrong with the stove. The oven won't come on."

"Okey dokey," I said. ...

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