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On the Planethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 4710 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Mar 21 2016Views / Reads: 7612 / 6261 [82%]Part vote: 9.75 (56 votes)
There is an attractive girl sitting next to me on the plane. Of course I want to have her, but the plane flight is a good place for her to show her compliance with my wishes

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I walked down the jetway to the plane. Well, walked was a bit of an exaggeration, I did the usual shuffle as a long line of people worked their way on board and up the aisle. The plane was one of those where some rows were configured with just two seats by the window. I glanced ahead, hoping that the row I was in was not the one with the obese man already partially overflowing both the seats.

But I was in luck. In the seat next to mine was an attractive woman. Late 20s I would guess. In a business suit, the type with a jacket and skirt. It was hard to tell since she was sitting and dressed in clothes that were designed to hide it, but it looked like she had a nice figure. Certainly her breasts filled out the jacket noticeably.

I sat down. I glanced at her left hand. A wedding ring, she was married. But that didn't necessarily matter, since a married woman on a business trip might be open for a little bit of an adventure. After all, she was far from home, far from anyone she knew, almost no chance she would get discovered.

I didn't rush it. I nodded at her as I sat down but I didn't try and talk to her for ten minutes. There is nothing more annoying on a plane that a stranger who sits down and immediately starts chatting about nothing in particular.

After we'd been in the air for ten minutes, I started a conversation. I ...

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