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Closing timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 6125 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 31 2016Views / Reads: 2763 / 1933 [70%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
At the end of a long day and an equally long working week, Debi Johnson stopped off at her local convenience store to buy some fresh fruit and veg for the weekend, just as the owner’s sons were closing up early for the day. (Includes feigned reluctance)

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Story outline: At the end of a long day and an equally long working week, Debi Johnson stopped off at her local convenience store to buy some fresh fruit and veg for the weekend, just as the owner's sons were closing up early for the day. (Includes feigned reluctance)

It had been a long hot day, Ralph and Martin had noticed, and they had one more, long, 12 hour shift to put in as they busied themselves in tidying up their folks shop. Starting at 8am and working through to the same hour of an evening, had been fun at first, their folks even impressing that upon them after 20 years of the same. However, and being Friday, their normal starting fun day, they had decided to close up a good hour early, something that would surely disappoint the late evening shoppers that relied on their local store for much-needed goods.

One such customer was Debi Johnson, a hard working 25-year-old executive, who, after a couple of drinks with her work colleagues, would call in on the shop for her weekend fruit and groceries. Indeed, that very evening she was looking forward to something simple and Italian, pasta and beef bolognaise. Rather than traditional spaghetti, Debi's preference was for the broader strips of ‘Tagliatelle'. All she needed to complete the dish were an onion and mushrooms, along with some fresh fruit.

Pushing open the closed door of the shop, which, just a few minutes ago ...

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