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Dancing with Tessathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 2362 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: philip
Added: Mar 31 2016Views / Reads: 3277 / 1972 [60%]Part vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
Tessa's offer for a dance turns into a tantric cock-tease as she takes advantage of my lack of underwear to constantly keep me on the brink of climax, while she gets her own kick and makes her husband and another guy cream their jeans on the dance floor.

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Dancing with Tessa

[Note: This story is protected by copyright, 2016, by the author, and cannot be used or posted for any purpose without requesting prior authorisation by e-mailing the author at philip_60@hotmail.com]

I'd been watching her from across the bar, irresistibly attracted to the sexy curves her skimpy outfit did everything but hide. The way her erect nipples were visibly jutting though the tight fabric of her see-through black mesh top made it obvious she didn't wear a bra. Her black leather micro-skirt barely covered the top of her naked sun-tanned legs, and the way her sexy toes kept wiggling inside her stiletto sandals only increased the intoxicating effect she had on me. She was literally oozing sex out of her every pore, and my cock couldn't help responding to the visual stimulation. I could feel it growing down my left thigh, straining against the thin fabric of my skin-tight jeans. I was wearing nothing underneath and I felt totally exposed.

She was sitting next to a guy, and what she was doing to him was making my condition even more desperate. Her right hand was slowly playing with the bulge that extended down the top of his left thigh, and he looked literally entranced by her attentions. She started brazenly gazing at my helplessly expanding erection as she did that, suggestively licking her lips and wiggling her toes towards me. She ...

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