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Naked in New York, Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1421 words) [2/9] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Apr 06 2016Views / Reads: 886 / 594 [67%]Part vote: 9.41 (17 votes)
Kath enjoys watching Charles' penis in various configurations, from flaccid to ejaculation -- one of the joys of around-the-house nudity.

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Naked in New York, Part Two

That initial sex-drenched weekend hooked me for good! NEVER had this girl enjoyed such superb fucking, by a man who got hard in a hurry, stayed hard for a looooong time, and revived again and again to return to my receptive and anxious pussy. (My only "worry" -- and a silly one! -- was that his prowess as a lover would spoiled me when I returned to men of my own age in college. But for the summer --what more could I want?

We fell into a sort of routine. I would go to his apartment right after work on Friday afternoon, taking along a chance of undies (although I seldom wore a bra in the summer) and some knock-around clothes. We would fuck a couple of times, then go out to a neighborhood place for a light supper. And then back to the apartment, to commence a weekend of clothes-free fucking. Charles would stock easy-to-prepare meals, and we did not venture outside again (nor put on our clothes again).

Rather than relate a fuck-by-fuck account of the remainder of the summer, let me relate what to me were the advantages of being naked for a prolonged period with a good lover.

First, my opportunity to have a good and prolonged look at a man's penis, in its various stages and configurations. I was not a virgin, to be sure (and not ask me to count). But for the most part, my sex had ...

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