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Naked in New York: Part Seventhis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1370 words) [7/9] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: May 09 2016Views / Reads: 583 / 355 [61%]Part vote: 9.50 (12 votes)
Karh and Charles watch heir new friends, then a bold Kath asks Phyllis whether she can have a turn with her husband...and hands go roaming in the sexual mix...

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Naked in New York, Part Seven

Phyllis's position atop George, rocking back and forth as they fucked, gave me a clear view of his cock as it surged in and out of her pussy. Curiosity compelled me to lean in for a closer look.

What struck me immediately was the way her pussy seemed to have a grip on George's penis, as if she was trying to keep it inside his body, while his efforts were devoted to the in-and-out movements. And his penis! No longer a pale white, but not a vivid red, with a vein standing out on the top of the shaft. And glisteningly wet, apparently with Phyllis's juices.

And his withdrawal: George seemed bent on keeping the most of the crown of his cock inside her pussy. Doing so meant that he could jam his full length into on his down-strokes. Wow, but nature did a good design job when she gave man and woman the proper tools with which to fuck!!

I looked up at Phyllis and we exchanged smiles. At times she would lean far back, making sure that George's penis remained lodged in her body, but positioned so that he would have to lift his body off the mattress a few inches to do so. Then she would lean forward, pushing down on his body, as if eager to make his prick probe even deeper into her body.


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