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Naked In New York: Part Eightthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:one-on-one, 2194 words) [8/9] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: May 11 2016Views / Reads: 600 / 352 [59%]Part vote: 9.86 (7 votes)
The four friends take a break from sex to shower (where Kath finds cleansing hands roaming her ass) and a drink, and Phyllis gives young Kath an unexpected and thrilling sexual treat: her first analingus ever

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Naked In New York, Part Eight

Despite the erotic joys the four of us had enjoyed in bed, I still felt a frisson of naughty excitement when we walked naked back to the kitchen. Just look at us! Phyllis and I putting our pussies and boobs on display for our guys.

And "our guys!!" Wow wow and double wow! Neither cock was fully erect, but both showed signs of arousal, swollen to be sure, and in George's case, still reddish from the exertion (?) of fucking.

Phyllis laughed. "You know, friends, in retrospect I am glad that we go rained out from going to Solaire! There is no way in the world that you guys could walk around there with your dicks standing up like that! Clearly a violation of the rules! Isn't it a helluva' lot more fun to be able to enjoy showing what you have? Lord knows but I sure enjoy looking at dicks! Even the one to which I am married."

And, as if to emphasize her point, she reached down and gave Charles' penis a friendly squeeze, and a stroke or two or three, which brought him to a much more prominent stand! Hmmm! So she WAS ready for a romp with my boy friend.

Charles seemed content to stand there and Phyllis play with his penis, but he grinned and moved over to the table. He opened the bottle and ...

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