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Naked In New York: Part Ninethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1452 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: May 12 2016Views / Reads: 628 / 371 [59%]Part vote: 9.62 (13 votes)
Kath happily settles down on George's cock, with his wife helping direct a cock into her eagerly awaiting pussy, and away they go, with Phyllis adding a helpful mout

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Naked In New York, Part Nine

Whew! After that wonderful romp with Phyllis,I was content to plop down in a chair -- and my oh my oh, my ass had a pleasant tingle, as if her skilled tongue was still flickering over and into my anus. But for the moment, I was content to sit quietly and accept the drink that George offered to me, and have pleasant thoughts.

In due course we moved over to the table and enjoyed the snacks that Phyllis and I had put together. A sharp turn away from sex, for the moment at least. George and I resumed our chat about the Opium Wars of the mid 1800s, when Great Britain exported tons of the drug to China to help its economic balance of payments. And my George -- MY George, you will note -- went back into their discussion of a non-fiction writer their house had just published who seemed headed for the best-seller list. Nice New York lunch table talk....

Now back to the conversation area. The rum and Coke had me feeling very mellow, and I found myself as horny as ever, as if I had not spent the last several hours in various forms of sexual play.

I thought back to Phyllis's analingus, and how wonderful it felt to have this loving woman do very nice things to my anus. Should I go ahead and rid myself of another sexual never-done and ask if either George or Charles cared to treat me to anal intercourse? ...

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