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He Was More Interested In Me Than He Was In My Workthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3230 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: May 16 2016Views / Reads: 3968 / 3104 [78%]Story vote: 9.11 (19 votes)
While on a business trip in Chicago, owner of the company is more interested in what I have to offer...

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I was staring out the window of the plane as my flight made its way to Chicago. I was on my way to a business presentation, representing my company, with a lot on the line for myself. I didn't like these business trips, because they took me away from my family but I knew that I had to go, because we really needed the money. Especially, this time of the year when my husband's job was slow and every penny counted. This trip was a big one for me, because I was going to meet with the owner and CEO of a Fortune 500 company in Chicago and hoped to impress him enough with my presentation so that he would invest and do business with the company that I worked for. I knew it wasn't going to be easy because from what I had heard, he was hard to negotiate with but I would do my best. It was a big deal for me and meant a lot because if I could pull off a deal, then I would get a nice bonus when I got back and we really needed it at the time. My flight eventually landed and after renting a car, I made my way to the hotel where I would be staying for the week. After checking in and getting settled in my room, I pulled out my laptop and began to do some work in order to prep for my presentation. I would be meeting with him over the next three days so I wanted to make sure I had everything prepaired and ready. I spent the rest of the day working in the hotel room, before taking a break and heading out on the town to grab a bite to eat. Eventually, the day came to an end I headed to bed to get some rest for my big day.

The next morning, after showering and getting dressed, I headed down to ...

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