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A Complete Strangerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2438 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: May 25 2016Views / Reads: 2833 / 2330 [82%]Story vote: 9.07 (30 votes)
While at dinner with my husband, I meet a stranger who is into me...

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It was Friday night and I had just finished getting dressed in a nice one-piece black dress that rested just above my knees, and showed a decent amount of cleavage. I was getting ready to go to dinner with my husband as we often did on Friday nights. Once I was done, I headed into the living room where he was waiting and we proceeded to head out to the car. We made our way and arrived at the restaurant, just outside of town about a half-hour later. We were quickly seated and my husband immediately ordered a bottle of wine for us to enjoy. We eventually ordered our meals and enjoyed them while getting caught up in our conversation.

As I was eating and chatting with my husband, I noticed a tall, older looking man sitting at the bar enjoying a drink and looking over at me every now and again. At first I didn't really think anything of it and figured he was just looking around the place, but after a while, I realized that he was paying a lot of attention to me as I was sitting with my husband. I found it kind of odd, especially since I was with my husband, but I guess the guy didn't care and was probably just checking all the women in the place out. I continued to eat and chat with my husband, but did look over in this guys direction every once in a while, to see if he was still looking at me. Sure enough, he was and at some point he smiled at me and out of instinct, I smiled back at him. At that point, I told my husband that the guy was sitting at the bar seemed to be checking me out. He nonchalantly looked in the direction of the bar and then looked back at me and told me that the guy probably ...

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