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Accidental Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7773 words)

Author: Ginger Picture in profile
Added: Feb 02 2001Views / Reads: 1898 / 1624 [86%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Tara and Jeff met when her car slammed into his, but they soon found out that the accident was the best thing that could have happened to them.

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The thing I remember most about the first day I met Tara, other than the lovely lady herself, was the accident. I was stopped for a red light, sitting in my Blazer and listening to the radio. My windshield wipers thumped back and forth intermittently in response to the rain we'd been having off and on all day. I heard a loud crash, and before I even knew where it came from, there was a bone jarring impact. My seatbelt cinched tight across my chest for a few seconds, and I realized I'd been pushed several feet further into the intersection.

I'd been rear-ended. I looked through my rear view mirror, and I could see a mid-size car wedged up against my SUV. My first thought was that I probably hadn't been hit hard enough for anyone in the car to have been badly hurt either. My second thought was oh, this is just fucking great, just what I needed. Now I'd have to deal with repairs and probably have to pay an insurance deductible. Not to mention the Blazer had only been paid off for a couple of months and had been in excellent condition.

I was momentarily really pissed, and I opened my door and got out prepared to tell the driver of the car all about it. My anger evaporated when I saw that the car had also been hit from behind by a small pick up truck. And then I saw her. She stepped out of the car that had hit me and shakily smiled at me, asking if I was okay.

My first thought when I saw Tara was that she was perfect. She had ...

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