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The Girlthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5356 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: May 31 2016Views / Reads: 2069 / 1747 [84%]Part vote: 9.81 (31 votes)
I want to see the girl again. But I don't want to invite her to my house because she'll never leave. So I arrange a trip to Chicago

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This is a new story about "the girl" who first appeared in "On the Plane." But it stands on its own and it is not critical that you read the earlier story. The first couple of paragraphs give you all the background you need. Of course, if you are going to read both stories, it would be more sensible to read the earlier one first.

I originally met the girl in a bar in New York. I was killing time while I waited for Sally, who I'd met on the plane there. Even though she was wearing jeans, I got her to take her panties off, so I knew that it shouldn't be too difficult to get her to our room. And it wasn't. When I was leaving New York, she texted me and, on the spur of the moment, I changed my flight and spent an evening with her in Chicago.

I knew the girl lived in the windy city. That was about all I knew. After all, I didn't even know her name. We had stayed in a hotel when I was there, so I had no idea where she lived. I dropped her a couple of blocks from work, so I didn't know exactly where she worked, just in which part of town.

She wondered about me too. A couple of days after I left Chicago, she texted me. ...

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