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The Girl: Jasmine Visitsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 6198 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jun 06 2016Views / Reads: 1644 / 1395 [85%]Part vote: 9.76 (21 votes)
Jasmine, the Chinese virgin stripper, comes to dinner with us. Will her virginity survive the night?

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The girl and I spent the afternoon in the sun watching baseball. Despite living in Chicago for over a year, it was the first time that the girl had been to a Cubs game. Then we went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. She put on the dress that I'd bought her the previous visit, along with the bra. But now that she'd promised never to wear panties with me, she had to go bare underneath.

I'd made a reservation at a good restaurant and I'd texted Jasmine with the name and address as we'd agreed when we spoke on the phone. She would meet us there. The girl and I were already sitting at our table when she walked in the door. It was odd seeing her in normal clothes. At the club, we'd mostly seen her naked. And for her stage act she'd worn a traditional Chinese dress, more like a costume. That night she was wearing a black cocktail dress, not too short but showing her legs nicely. Heels, of course. Her hair was up leaving her shoulders bare. The dress was low-cut. Although she didn't have big breasts, she was making the most of what she had.

I stood up. I was embarrassed for a moment, not quite knowing whether to shake her hand, hug her, or kiss her. She loosely put her arms around me and gave me a token hug, making sure that she didn't press her breasts against me. She then hugged the girl, whose breasts were so large that it was hard for the two women to avoid them touching.

During dinner we avoided the subject of Jasmine's job as a stripper. Or ...

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