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Horny Husband Becomes A Shy Guy part threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1700 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Jun 15 2016Views / Reads: 768 / 539 [70%]Part vote: 9.59 (17 votes)
Bob says that wife Beth "broke our agreement" but peace is made, and the spouses enjoy a joint orgasm moment...

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Horny Husband Becomes a "Shy Guy" -- Part Three

Hal and I sat and stared at one another as Beth and Bob left the room. "Just what in hell was that all about?" Hal asked.

"I don't know, but I get the idea that our evening has come to an end," I said. "So, what the hey. Big boy, you care for a good old-fashioned fuck? I managed to get good and turned on until the explosion, and I could really use a big stiff dick in my pussy!"

We were sitting side by side on the couch by now, and Hal reached over and patted my pussy. "Let's give our friends a minute or two to see if they can get things straightened out," he said. "And if they don't -- well, young lady, I would just LOVE a piece of your famous pussy!"

We clinked our glasses, and we smiled at one another. I put my hand in Hal's lap, and my fingers closed around his still-erect penis. Oh, but I love the feel of a cock in my hand! I slowly stroked his hardness while his fingers slid up and down the slit of my cunnie.

Ho! Here they come, back into the living room. I am going to try to relate what happened in their own words, and although my memory might be off on a phrase or a word or two, this is pretty much what was said.


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