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Kathy, Again. Chapter Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4772 words) [2/9] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Jun 17 2016Views / Reads: 394 / 259 [66%]Part vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
What if Kathy and I had made a life together, instead of going our separate ways after nursing school? Here is a fantasy, imagining what "a day in the life" might look like. Not, of course, every single day, but an extraordinary day. Kinda like

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I awakened the next day, still (again?) pulsatingly hard. Kathy had gotten up without awakening me, and I heard her rattling around in the kitchen, as the boys were heading out to school. Sandy had tried to slink out the door, as I heard Kathy interrupt her in mid slink. "Young Lady! You and your father and I have a conversation to have, this morning! And you are not going anywhere until we do!"

For some reason, Sandy did not attempt to wheedle her way out of her mother's sights. "Yes, Ma'am. When is Dad getting up, do you think?"

"Later, a little later. Now, is your homework completed? You will find your social life severely limited if your grades slip!"

"Brent and I finished our homework, last night, before...before Daddy got home."

I rose, drained the lizard (which, helpfully, reduced my tumescence. Not exactly the statement I wanted to make, while lecturing my teen daughter about her own reproductive choices, no sir!), and headed downstairs.

I detoured to the coffeepot, which My Sainted Wife had already cycled. Hot coffee prepared, I was on track to begin my day. ...

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