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Stacey Expands Her Horizonsthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 5606 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Jul 05 2016Views / Reads: 3760 / 2598 [69%]Story vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
Vacationing in the redneck riviera with her boyfriend Stacey is seduced by attractive black man.

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Stacey shifted nervously from side to side as she stood waiting for her drink at the poolside tiki bar. She had been trying to tactfully get away from Jax, a tall muscular black man, for over an hour to no avail. He wasn't a bad guy and truth be told he was very good looking but she had a boyfriend.

"I know right?" She replied. She wasn't even sure what Jax had said. She had been lost in her own thoughts and was trying to get him to take a hint that she wasn't interested but he was either unable or unwilling to grasp the simple concept.

Stacy grabbed her red rum punch and a beer for her boyfriend Tyler and walked back to her seat with Jax in tow like an eager puppy. She could feel him staring at her ass and it simultaneously irritated and excited her. She wsd usually a bit of a flirt and she may have made a few easily misconstrued comments earlier in the day.

Tyler had been no help in getting rid of Jax and in fact he had added fuel to the fire by buying him a drink during their previous round. He could be clueless at times but they had been dating for more than a year and she loved him even with his foibles.

Stacey sat down on the chaise and handed Tyler his Bud Light as she made ...

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