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The Bribethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:swingers, 5138 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Jay Picture in profile
Added: Jul 11 2016Views / Reads: 1044 / 769 [74%]Part vote: 9.36 (11 votes)
Our wives wanted to see us in a 69. Dick had to be bribed.

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The morning after our evening with Jill and Matt, we continued on our camping trip. Laura had enjoyed it as much as I did. I asked her about Matt's "really close friends" remark just to see if she meant what I thought she meant at the time.

"Well, we both dated guys exclusively, but sometimes Grace would make the same sort of joke implying that we were a couple that I've heard guys do so often. Not the blatantly anti-gay jokes, but the kind where the joke is just, 'Ha, ha, it's so funny because it's obviously not true.' The showers on our floor didn't have walls separating them, and once in a while Grace would drop something and use it as an excuse to 'accidentally' brush my leg or my hip. I always laughed it off, but nowadays they'd say I should report for her sexual harassment if not assault."

"So it didn't bother you?"

"Another inch closer on the hip and it would have, but in hindsight I realize I liked it a little because, up until that time, no guy had ever tried to stimulate me just by touching my hips. They'd touch my butt or my pussy, but as long as that area was naked, they ignored the hips."

Laura texted Grace several times while we were camping, and at least once an hour starting the morning that we left the campground. I didn't ...

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