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Brief encounters: 15> Selling upthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4308 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 21 2016Views / Reads: 1775 / 1251 [70%]Story vote: 9.50 (10 votes)
In winding up the sale of the book shop that she inherited from her folks, Amanda Jones’ accountant, Raymond Edwards, who advised her of an early, lucrative, sale, questions her choice of authors

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Story outline: In winding up the sale of the book shop that she inherited from her folks, Amanda Jones' accountant, Raymond Edwards, who advised her of an early, lucrative, sale, questions her choice of authors.

When Amanda Jones' folks retired to the country and left running the book store to their youngest daughter, they were quietly confident it was in safe hands, something that was proven to be for the first 15 or so months. Thereafter, however, the business began to slacken.

Her family accountant, a Mr Raymond Edwards, suggested an early sale. Amanda, though, being the headstrong woman she was, would hear nothing of it. Michael, her husband, agreed with Raymond, which lead to a blazing row between the couple. Amanda, though, feeling he'd suggested she was inadequate, decided to show Michael she was far from that and subsequently persevered with the book store, only to be proven wrong by both men.

It was a hot day in June, when Amanda found herself in Raymond's office, tying up the sale of her folk's beloved book store. One they had successfully run for nigh on 30 years, and which their trusted daughter had managed to close in less than two.

"Okay, Amanda, well, I just need you to sign a few forms and...!" Raymond began. ...

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