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Spontaneous Combustion -- Part II: Reconnectingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 12418 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Jul 29 2016Views / Reads: 668 / 542 [81%]Story vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
Part II of this epic erotic novel. Andrew and Karen Mason reconnect with Ron Griffin as Andrew's career blossoms and he emerges as a significant player in his new company.

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Spontaneous Combustion - Part II


Six Months Later

Author's Note: This a follow-up to the "Spontaneous Combustion" novel - the next two chapters in the epic narrative. More to come. Enjoy. --Rhino

Ron Griffith took the better part of six months adjusting to life at work without the talented Karen Mason. There were significant gaps to cover, and Ron had proven to be more than adequate with the task of keeping the team going. He earned high praise from his boss and was given additional responsibilities.

Of course, Ron often thought about Karen, especially about their last day together. Although they kept in routine contact with each other via their respective organization's email, their correspondence was professional and referred primarily to business matters. Nothing about the day of Spontaneous Combustion was ever conveyed in writing.

Initially the contact between Ron and Karen or between Ron and Andrew was fairly active. Andrew had stayed behind with the kids for about ten days to monitor the process of packing and loading the moving van. ...

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