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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment X - Ron Griffith's Crisisthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 75969 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Aug 06 2016Views / Reads: 796 / 661 [83%]Story vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
Our epic novel-length story continues with a crisis that alters circumstances for all our heroes. Read, enjoy, vote, and comment. Thanks.

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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment IX - Ron Griffith's Crisis

Author's Comments: Things pick up in this rather long segment, and life intervenes in unexpected ways. Read, enjoy, vote, and comment as you witness another adventure with Ron.

Ron Griffith's Crisis

Andrew arrived at work a little late. He was greeted by Brenda. She followed him to his office, reminding him of his Tuesday appointment with Lisa McAlister and Jackson Reed. "I've blocked your calendar for all of Tuesday afternoon," Brenda told him.

"Thanks, Brenda," Andrew responded. "That's probably a good idea.

Brenda smiled at him. "Charlie Franklin left a message that he'd like to talk to you."

"When?" Andrew was intrigued.

"Soon, but he did say it was not an urgent issue. He said he'd need about twenty or thirty minutes."

"Okay. Can we find a time this afternoon? I'll go over to his office. See if he wants Oscar to be there, too." ...

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