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An Olympic Eventthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1746 words)

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Aug 27 2016Views / Reads: 4507 / 3554 [79%]Story vote: 8.29 (7 votes)
Watching her man line up for a race she had no idea how the woman beside her would influence her day.

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"Your Husband...?"

I glance to my left then quickly back to the action on the running track.

"Sorry, I am distracting you." The girl beside me smiles as I glance once again.

"Um... n... no... no, that is..." I cant take my eyes off the athlete in our national colours as he warms up. "Th... that... that is..." I tear my eyes away from the action and take time to see who it is that is insistent that I pay her attention.

I am almost mesmerised by her open, honest smile. She wears just a hint of make-up, enough to enhance her natural beauty, and I become aware that I may look like a painted doll in comparison, so much so that my hand flies to my cheek and I feel that my red lips must stand out like beacons. Her clothes are sophisticated even though they allow her, through the colours, to support her own national team. I wear a tee-shirt and shorts in nation colours.

"Hi, I am Marilee and that is my man, three to the left of yours." Her cool fingers touch my arm sending a frisson through me.

I count three athletes from my lover. "Oh!" I cant suppress the surprise ...

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