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Sex Ahoythis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2346 words) [1/20] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Sep 02 2016Views / Reads: 668 / 413 [62%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Lynn and Jo are married to officers on board a cargo ship that is at sea for months at a time and cheating is just a way of life but Lynn doesn't play that game. She is introduced to a different game in a strange way, .

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Sex Ahoy

By Sly Fox

This is a multi-part work of fiction. All places and persons are fictitious and any similarity is purely coincidental. The characters only live in my twisted mind. Please enjoy and feel free to comment. Now, I invite you to meet Lynn, Jennifer and JoAnna.

For those not familiar with my work, please be advised that I do not write short explosive stories, and the first chapters serve to define the characters, starting with me and a brief bit of Joanna.

Part 1-The revelation

Glancing toward the café, I smiled at the scene in front of me. A dozen pairs of eyes, both male and female, were on the long shapely legs and seductive walk of a certain auburn haired temptress in super snug white shorts heading my way with two cups of coffee and a knowing smile."You're hopeless," I told my best ever friend, Joanna.

"What? I'm just refilling our coffee cups."

"Of course you were. If those shorts were any tighter over your ass, they'd burst." ...

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