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Brief encounters: 23> the Rock groupiethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3910 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 15 2016Views / Reads: 698 / 521 [75%]Story vote: 9.33 (9 votes)
Being aware of his girlfriend’s love of rock bands, in particular, ‘Flying lizard’, her boyfriend, Eric, for Gloria’s upcoming birthday, arranges for her to meet ‘Elf’ and the band while they are rehearsing for an upcoming tour.

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Story outline: Being aware of his girlfriend's love of rock bands, in particular, ‘Flying lizard', her boyfriend, Eric, for Gloria's upcoming birthday, arranges for her to meet ‘Elf' and the band while they are rehearsing for an upcoming tour.

Although Gloria thought of herself as a groupie, it was very much from afar. The only concerts she had ever been to were those with her long-term boyfriend, Eric, while on each of those occasions she had never once shown an interest in going backstage.

A particular band she wanted to see was Flying lizard. They were one of two acts due to support a major rock band, however, Eric, who took care of the ticket acquisition, had so far come up empty.

As luck would have it, Eric's brother, George, knew one of their roadies, and since it was Gloria's 21st birthday in a week's time, he got George to ask the roadie if she could meet the band as a special birthday surprise.

It turned out that the band was rehearsing not far from where the couple lived. When the roadie told Elf, the lead singer, of Eric's appeal, he naturally agreed, what with it being her birthday and all.

With everything set for a week hence, Eric gave his girlfriend a significant present of perfume along with a card that had a wish token ...

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