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Closing Out My Summerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3103 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Nov 08 2016Views / Reads: 3980 / 3042 [76%]Story vote: 9.00 (15 votes)
I take a week's vacation at the end of the summer and make a couple of friends...

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This summer was quickly coming to an end and I had yet to do anything with the family. I discussed a few ideas with my husband but he couldn't get time off of work because he was very busy with his schedule. I also discussed a few things with my parents and being as they were both retired, they suggested we take a couple days down at the beach. They even offered to pay for it and told me that they would keep an eye on my son so that I could enjoy myself and relax. I talked it over with my husband and he suggested that I go, since I would be returning to work in a couple of weeks and then I would regret passing up the opportunity. I told my mom to put the plans in motion and she called a hotel to book 2 rooms for us. Everything was set and we would be going down the shore the following week. I felt bad leaving my husband behind, but he just couldn't get out of work so I was going to enjoy myself on my own.

The following Saturday arrived, and after packing the car with my bags and my parents, the three of us were soon on our way, as well as my son. The shore was about a 2-hour ride from my house and thankfully there wasn't much traffic. We made pretty decent time and arrived in just over two hours. Thankfully, the rooms were ready and we were able to check right in. We made our way to our rooms and I got settled as my parents got settled into the room next door. Once everyone was set, I called my husband to let him know that we had arrived safely and then headed down to the pool to relax for a while. My mom and dad joined me, but it wasn't long before my mom took my son and headed out onto the ...

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