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Cousinsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 13281 words)

Author: Joshua
Added: Nov 11 2016Views / Reads: 2434 / 2013 [83%]Story vote: 9.74 (23 votes)
Dave and Susie are cousins who've shared a lifetime physical attraction. After his divorce, Susie visits Dave and meets his new girlfriend, Kera.

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I always enjoyed going to the airport. It seems that every time I went to the airport, something good always happened. I was on my way to the local airfield to pick up Susie, my cousin, when she arrived from Ohio. Susie was a tall blonde, a bit on the heavier side, but had a great personality. She was six years older than me and although there was an age difference, we were more friends than cousins. I mean, every summer whenever Susie and her parents would visit, she and I always found time to be alone, to search the woods and city streets in the hopes of discovering whatever it was young minds sought in those days of our youth. We roamed the forests and found one fascinating discovery after another and the older we became, the more we sought answers to. We progressed from being in utter awe over a butterfly emerging from its cocoon to understanding why it was that some flowers made it through the harsh winters while others did not. Not once during our childhood did Susie nor myself feel like the other was less smart. No, if anything, we knew we liked each other a great deal and found ourselves impatient for the summers to begin and for us to spend time together. As we grew older and our interests changed, Susie and I continued to look forward to our summers. We were, after all first cousins, and each of us was the only child in our families. So it was only natural that we grew close at an early age and became what some of our relatives saw as best friends.

Over the course of our lifetimes, Susie and I shared secrets, dreams, and hopes. As I aged and became interested in sports and school, I'd ...

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