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Kathy Again Chapter 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2077 words) [4/9] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Nov 28 2016Views / Reads: 681 / 437 [64%]Part vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
Kathy and I, in some alternate universe. We discover our daughter entertaining her boyfriend. She discovers us "in the moment". Makes for some awkward conversations.

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Our usual night time routine resulted in Kathy and me cuddled in our bed, and I was beginning the sweet slide into sleep. As I slid into sleep, I wondered about that father-daughter conversation, and how it might go, or even when we might have it. Maybe I'd get seriously lucky, and Sandra would approach her mother for that conversation. I fell asleep with that hopeful thought caroming about my mind.

The boys awakened me, of course. Between the television, and their playing roughly, I awakened, got up to splash some water on my face, and started the coffee. Along the way, I shushed the boys, and directed them to get dressed and go outside and rake up leaves.

Kathy soon made her own appearance, gratefully cradling her own coffee cup. She knows how I am before I've had a chance to metabolize my first cup of coffee, but evidently was not going to let that stop her.

"So, I suppose that it is fair, if we get to gawk at Sandy making whoopee in the living room, that she get to admire her father's technique in the bedroom, don't you think so too?"

I gaped at her. "What?"

"Do I really need to repeat myself, or do you simply need a minute to ...

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