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All Hands on Deckthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3017 words)

Author: Joyce Picture in profile
Added: Dec 07 2016Views / Reads: 1920 / 1543 [80%]Story vote: 9.70 (20 votes)
I had a business trip right after my boyfriend broke up with me. Two guys helped me get over him.

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My name's Sharon. My boss sent me to Milwaukee to meet with some clients. Well, three people from one company that was our client. He told me on Thursday that I'd be taking an early-morning flight on Monday and coming back Thursday. No biggie, I've dealt with this client and others like them before. On Friday, my boyfriend Bill broke up with me. It sounds silly to use the word "boyfriend," since I just turned 40, but "lover" sounds too dramatic.

Toward the end of the day on Wednesday, I asked the three people what were the best clubs in Milwaukee. Marcia admitted she'd been out of the social life for so long that she didn't know any more. Tom, a guy in his forties, did his best impression of Stefon from Saturday Night Live and had a joke name that sounded almost believable. Eric, who was only 35 but had grey hair, told me about Erie Fitzgerald, a club that had a Titanic motif but was named as a barely copyright-friendly reference to a ship that people not old enough for Medicare know only for the Gordon Lightfoot song. As I was saying my goodbyes, he handed me a matchbook from there.

Bill and I were approaching the anniversary of his first date. I had planned on buying him the complete series of a show that he loves, but that money was freed up in my budget. On the way back to my hotel, I stopped at a clothing store to look for something to wear to a club. I had to pass through the misses' department to get to my size. (I'm not thin enough to model but not big enough to be considered plus size.) ...

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