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Helping the helper (part 1?)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2751 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Holeshot
Added: Dec 11 2016Views / Reads: 4014 / 3154 [79%]Part vote: 9.36 (22 votes)
Fiction I just finished that tells a first person perspective tale about a husband who gets caught by and catches his live in helper aroused.

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It didn't start right away and I didn't expect it.

Maria is a thirty something Filipino woman who lives with and has worked for me and my wife for six months, taking care of our two girls. Day to day work of getting them off to school and keeping the house in good order. She was excellent at household duties, laundry was always done and her cooking skills were great. Our daughters loved her from the start and Maria was as happy to be a part of our family as we felt fortunate to have her.

Things changed one day.

Me and my wife have an avid and extremely enjoyable sex life. In her early forties she's horny often and loves to have my cock inside her in every way. We both keep in shape with running and strength training and love the looks of each others bodies. With busy lives, years of marriage and being tired we yet manage to have great sex a few times a week. I sleep naked a lot because she loves to fondle me in the middle of the night. She often comments how much she fantasizes about my cock, that she loves how thick and long it is. In truth I don't feel it's extraordinary bit I've heard that from several of my partners in my youth also. In reality I measure a respectable 7.5 inches by what is a good 6 inch circumference. It's done me very well being able to bring pleasure to many ladies but I'm humble as I can be.


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