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The New Mandythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1752 words)

Author: Sven the Elder Picture in profile
Added: Dec 13 2016Views / Reads: 1162 / 643 [55%]Story vote: 9.73 (15 votes)
The new Mandy makes contact

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The new Mandy By Sven the Elder©


The curse was heartfelt. Having just woken up I could see the time was just four minutes past three in the morning. Remembering I had deliberately unset my ‘Do not Disturb' feature did nothing to help being woken up by the incoming text at such an ungodly hour of the day.

Sighing to myself, I leaned over, grabbed my phone and looked to see who had sent me a ‘spam' text. I cheered up a little to find it was from Mandy.

Mandy, the ‘old friend,' had turned out to be a sexy and extremely enthusiastic lover the previous weekend. Chuckling inwardly I recalled just how much I, no ‘We' had woken her inner-self from a long period of loveless inaction. We had literally fucked ourselves to a standstill. Boy! How unexpected and delightful that had that been. At my age I thanked the Lord's of the Universe responsible for the discovery of a certain little blue, diamond-shaped pill. Mandy had told me I reminded her of the ‘energiser bunny!' Then giggled when I told her how and why.

I turned back to the text message and opened it to read: ‘Hello lover ...

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