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Cheating husbands: 2> Trevor and the waitressthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4371 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 18 2016Views / Reads: 2706 / 2151 [79%]Story vote: 9.80 (10 votes)
Although Trevor and his wife had left the house that Saturday morning, Amanda to go shopping with Lucy, Trevor had the effrontery to not only pick up a waitress but to bring the ‘slut’ home for sex.

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Author's note:

Firstly, my apology for not being able to bring you this 2nd story in the Cheating Husband's series sooner.

Due to a recent Widows 8 & Windows 10 update, only my model of router was affected.

I now have a different model, and so, hopefully, my weekly posting of a new story each Thursday will continue, uninterrupted.

As to the second story in the series:

Story details: Although Trevor and his wife had left the house that Saturday morning, Amanda to go shopping with Lucy, Trevor had the effrontery to not only pick up a waitress but to bring the ‘slut' home for sex.

"Are you sure your wife won't be home soon," Sarah asked, concernedly.

"What. No, she's out spending my money with a friend," Trevor assured the young woman, a mere waitress who had served him a cup of tea some 30 minutes ago, as he closed the front door behind them.

Trevor and his wife's marriage had lost its spark as far as sex went. It ...

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