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A Substantial Offerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2299 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Dec 29 2016Views / Reads: 3457 / 2869 [83%]Story vote: 9.33 (24 votes)
As I attended a work related gala, I got befriended by a couple of business associates who made me quite the offer...

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I stood in front of my mirror, as I got dressed and gave myself a once over. I was getting ready to attend a work related gala and wanted to make sure that I looked my best. Things had gotten a little hectic lately, mainly because I was a careless spender and somehow, I had managed to max out two of my credit cards. I had no one to blame my spending, except for myself and now, I was on my best behavior at work, doing everything that was asked, in the hopes that the management would notice my hard work and hopefully give me a bit of a raise. Thankfully, my husband and I had separate accounts so he had no idea what my spending was. He paid for his credit cards and I paid for mine. Either way, I needed to work on paying this debt off because it was a pretty substantial amount. I usually didn't attend these events, because I really had no interest in them, but since I really wanted to show good face, I was going to attend this one tonight. Unfortunately, it was a work related events and therefore we couldn't bring our families. Luckily for my husband, he really didn't like attending events either so it worked out perfectly for him. I finished getting dressed, wearing a nice form fitting red dress that showed off my curves quite nicely. I wasn't used to showing off, but like I said, I was hoping management would notice me. Once I was ready, I called a cab and was off to the gala, which was being held in a downtown upscale restaurant, which resided in the bottom of a fancy hotel. I guess if people drank too much, they had the option to book a room.

I arrived at the hotel about a half an hour later and made my way into ...

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