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Helping the Helper 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3294 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Holeshot
Added: Feb 08 2017Views / Reads: 1244 / 915 [74%]Part vote: 9.31 (16 votes)
The helper helps herself to something unexpected...

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That morning catching Maria pleasuring herself left me flustered beyond belief.

Knowing that she is secretly such a sexual creature was incredibly alluring. Before that it had never occurred to me to think of her is such a way, or any way for that matter. Catching her moaning "sir" and fucking her dark little pussy with the handle of her purple hair brush was amazing.

When I got to work that day I was so horny still that I had to get another cum out of my system before I did anything productive for the day. Not wasting time I used the guest services washroom and withing a minute was unloading another round while easily able to imagine our Filipina helper with her legs open moaning while pushing the brush in and out of her wet pussy.

By lunchtime I had stroked my cock two more times. Usually I just use my hand and dry is fine but by the fourth time I was attempting to cum that day I used some coconut oil that was in the lunchroom cabinet for lubricant. I imagined that slipping myself slowly into Maria's tight little pussy would also require some lube and fucked my hand with those thoughts until I came again.

My balls were aching from having been spent for the fourth time that day. What was going on? Why was I so turned on thinking of fuck our ...

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