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Valentine Weekendthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5289 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Larry Malone
Added: Feb 09 2017Views / Reads: 813 / 548 [67%]Part vote: 10.00 (8 votes)
This is a stand alone story but the reader may be interested in how the characters got to this sex weekend by reading "Heads You Win, Tails You Lose...Sometimes"

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Valentine Weekend

by Larry Malone

After the memorable Christmas break train ride home from Indiana to New York when I lost a coin toss and ended up with full figured Carol, instead of her gorgeous travel companion roommate, Terry, and then had the most fantastic sexual experiences (Read: Heads You Win, Tails You Loss...Sometimes) I learned a lesson and grew as a person, e.g. that a woman who was overweight and not the prettiest or sexiest girl is not necessarily a bad thing. I learned that selecting a female partner based on outward appearances alone was not the best choice and showed me how shallow I had been by using that criteria until that memorable trip. So after the train sex, Carol invited me to be her date for the St. Valentine's Day weekend at her college, I accepted immediately.

Carol offered to put me up in her dorm room since her roommate, Terry was off to one of her boy friends' colleges for the weekend. With the advanced notice invitation I was able to find a very inexpensive airline ticket on one of those small short trip “puddle jumpers” popular those many years ago. I cut classes on Friday and left that morning and got into the little local airport in upstate New York mid morning.

Carol met me at the airport, although I spent six late night hours next ...

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