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Kathy, Again Chapter 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1698 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Feb 10 2017Views / Reads: 360 / 145 [40%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
What if Kathy and I had made a life together, instead of going our separate ways after nursing school? Here is a fantasy, imagining what "a day in the life" might look like. Not, of course, every single day, but an extraordinary day. Kinda like

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I dozed awhile, eventually awakening to the curvaceous beauty beneath my hands, and whispering next to me. It developed that my wife and my daughter were having some sort of conference, and, as I cleared the cobwebs from my brain, it became clear that they were discussing the finer points of being buttfucked. My vision cleared, and Brent was demonstrating the wisdom of knowing when to shut up, wide eyed as he took in the conversation.

Kathy was in preceptor mode, describing how she relaxed to allow me to enter her colon, and then how she managed her breathing until the sexual feelings grew to overtake her. Sandra listened, gaze fixed upon her mother, as her mother recounted strategies to relax one's sphincter, and how important lubrication was. My wife sang my praises, telling how my slow initial efforts, and deliberate acceleration of intercourse, aroused her, helped her to relax, and fired up sexual feelings, until we were both flat out running for our release.

Evidently, sleep had restored me, because "Little Mark" was starting to peek over Kathy's hip, in order to get into the conversation. Kathy noticed, and her hand grasped my tallywhacker, rubbing her thumb over the head.

"I see that someone has joined us in the land of the living!", she ...

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