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Dawn's Dark Desires (Part 1)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 4744 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Paul Garland Picture in profile
Added: Feb 17 2017Views / Reads: 5506 / 4321 [78%]Part vote: 9.57 (40 votes)
I'm a perfectly average, happily married man, with a fairly simple and straightforward life. Or so I thought, until I happened across an open laptop in my house, and began to discover that not everything is as it appears to be.

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Dawn's Dark Desires All Rights Reserved by the author © 2013 Paul Garland

Part 1

I'd been married for ten years - happily married, I might add - so when all this happened, it was completely out of the blue. A real eye-opener in more ways than one. Becky was a wonderful wife. Raven-haired, sexy and long-legged, she was still as sexy now as when we first met, ten years ago. We had two kids of our own, a boy and girl aged eight and four. And then there was Dawn.

She was Becky's daughter from her previous relationship. I say relationship, it was more of a brief fling - the dad hadn't stuck around or been in touch since Dawn was tiny. She was eighteen now but I'd helped raise her since she was a little girl and always tried to treat her as if she was my own, even if there wasn't quite the same bond that existed between me and my two children.

Dawn was the opposite to Becky in looks. She was shorter, bustier and curvier with long, blonde curls and got plenty of attention from boys all the way through school and college. Luckily she had always been choosy with boyfriends and had only ever had two to speak of, the latest being a lovely young lad called Ryan who she met at her evening job at the local pub, and who she had been seeing now for a few months. ...

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