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The Backdoor club: 5> the Backdoor Promotion…pt 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5506 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 04 2017Views / Reads: 680 / 412 [61%]Story vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
When second line executive Rose Meadows came across the couple’s advert, she jumped at the opportunity of some clandestine backdoor experiences, especially after the disappointment of the Christmas office party.

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Story outline: When second line executive Rose Meadows came across the couple's advert, she jumped at the opportunity of some clandestine backdoor experiences, especially after the disappointment of the Christmas office party.

Weeks went by, until...

At the end of a very productive meeting with a new female author, Rose picked up the advertisement paper the sultry young blonde had left. Her book was autobiographical and full of her life-long sexual experiences from a young age; as young as 16. It included numerous descriptions of anal sex and DP's; quite a lot, in fact, for a young woman. Although Rose was happy to pass it to Andrew Davies for his final seal of approval, considering its groundbreaking content, which he eventually did, it would, in no thanks to British publishing law, have to be a fictional account, something that the author readily agreed to.

Having she subsequently departed, leaving Rose's pool of delight both wet and in need of a man to immerse himself in its warm tranquil depths, the horny author noticed the personal contact section listed on the paper's cover. She then, having gotten her secretary to hold all her calls while she had a play, turned the paper over, intending to have a quick look through the personal adverts while imagining one of the hot and horny chapters of Jill's novel.


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