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Vicarious satisfactionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 963 words)

Author: hotnwet91
Added: Mar 28 2017Views / Reads: 2125 / 1584 [75%]Story vote: 8.93 (15 votes)
My date went horribly wrong, but that doesn't mean I went to bed unsatisfied.

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Silently I crept up the driveway, mortified at the thought of getting caught on my walk of shame. I really didn't want to explain my night, How is it even possible that he couldn't get it up and yet still cum too soon? I wondered, thinking back to earlier when I looked up at him with a stunned expression, his limp cock filling my mouth with warm cum. Worst. Date. Ever.

Before I'd even reached the front door I heard an unmistakeable sound, the steady tempo of my housemate's bed bumping off the wall.

Oh fuck, I thought to myself, should I leave?

But where would I go? It's after midnight. I guess I'll just have to sneak in and hope they don't notice.

I made it all the way to my room on tiptoe, I really shouldn't have worried about being quiet, she sounded a bit distracted.

"Yes, yes, yes, ooohhhhh yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!" she screamed louder and louder, "OH MY GOD YES!!" I was more curious than embarrassed now, and jealous. Her screams had reduced to a whimper and her bed had stopped banging on the wall, it sounded like she was crying except for the occasional gutteral moans of "oh fuck yes".

Slowly I heard their rhythm get faster until from the hall I could hear ...

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