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Brandy's Flingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2878 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Apr 26 2017Views / Reads: 1618 / 1161 [72%]Story vote: 9.67 (9 votes)
Brandy hooks up with her black coworker while her military husband is deployed overseas

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"Are you gonna fuck me or what," Brandy asked as she leaned back on her bed and spread her pale, smooth legs wide. Her fingers parted her labia, exposing the pink, wet flesh inside her needy pussy. She let her tongue circle her supple lips, tasting the remnants of his salty cock as her free hand teased her rock hard nipples. She had a slender but doughy body with little muscle tone, a somewhat thick waist and soft pointy C cup tits.

"Damn girl," Tyrese said as he fisted his big black dick and climbed onto the saggy old queen sized bed. He was only 19 and still in great shape after lettering in three sports in high school. He had been offered a scholarship to play college football but his grades were poor and he'd been unable to get his SAT scores up to meet the minimum requirements so the offer had been rescinded.

Tyrese looked down at her and grinned as he rubbed the tip of his cock against her sloppy wet pussy. He could smell her juices and he wanted to plunge his dick deep but he liked to make girls squirm a little before he gave them the dick.

"What are you doing," she groaned impatiently. Her body squirmed and she grabbed at his ebony hips, trying to coax him inside. She breathed deep and looked pleadingly up at him with her big blue eyes. She had a cute round face with chubby cheeks and full lips.


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