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The Superthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 1334 words)

Author: Roxy
Added: Feb 07 2001Views / Reads: 4866 / 3603 [74%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
I was in the laundry room late one night thinking i was all alone. Well, i wasn't, the building super walked in on me.

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The Super

My name is Roxy and at the time of this story I lived in the East Village of New York City. I am a 30 year old brunette, about 150 lbs, in good shape, excellent legs and feet, nice face and incredible 40dd breasts as I have been told many times.

I had just moved in to this cool apartment in New York. The building was fairly new and i had access to the roof in summertime to take the sun and also had a laundry room in the basement.

I had moved in about 3 weeks and was still taking items out of boxes when i realized that i should do a load of laundry. It was about 11:30 on a week night so I thought the laundry room would be empty.

So I took off all my clothes since i wanted to get all my clothes in the laundry and decided to put on my bathrobe. I could only find my mini robe wich covered me to maybe my upper thighs. But i thought it ok since i felt no one would be around.

So off to the laundry room i went. When i got there I realized that no one was around, in fact I didnt hear any noise whatsoever from anywhere. This made me feel good since i had the room to myself and could be done very quickly.


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