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A travel to rememberthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1844 words)

Author: Shabeena
Added: Apr 28 2017Views / Reads: 2058 / 1632 [79%]Story vote: 8.58 (12 votes)
I travel to a private island in Thailand as the guest of an Arab who offers me as his gift to.... Well you must read it

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Hi, I'm Shabeena, 36 yrs old and single. I had married but separated soon after due to differences with my husband. Ever since I had started living life on my own terms. I was slim but filled out at the right places. My 34C breasts never failed to attract eyes like a magnet and I loved that.  I had a flat and soft belly with a navel like a small vertical gash. 

I took care of myself well and revelled in the feeling when I noticed men looking at me.  I had a limited group of friends who helped me in my sexual indulgences while fulfilling their own.  My closest friend was Anita who I knew since college and who knew me psychologically and physically (literally). She preferred women and I was her favorite.  She took care of my sexual needs be it a intimate one on one or a gb session with 2 or sometimes 3 guys. She was very possessive about me and took special care about my safety. 

I generally spend at least one weekend in a month over at Anita's place where Anita and me played out our fantasies sometimes with her hubby and some guys he brought over. We had been doing this for more than a year. 

It was during one such visit that Anita mentioned about a n Arab who liked to enjoy the company of normal ladies other than escorts. She said that he hosted the women for a week at his palatial residence somewhere in Thailand and had a good time.  Anita asked me if I was ...

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