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Sacrifices: Chapter 4 The Ballthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 15650 words) [4/10] show all parts

Author: Fluffy_Kat Picture in profile
Added: May 09 2017Views / Reads: 399 / 213 [53%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
Spring in 1955 New York. A friend decides to play cupid to hasten along Franco and Isabella’s affair. Will Franco's wife finally tire of his philandering and divorce him? Or will other forces tear our lovers apart?

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Sacrifices Chapter 4: The Ball

Isabella Duncan boarded the elevator to go up to Lady Josephine Markham's apartment in the San Remo building across from Central Park. She carried a tote bag with the tools of her trade: a collection of fabric, paint, and wallpaper samples, pictures, and drawings of ideas she had for Lady Markham's apartment.

A young woman with a bright white standard poodle in tow entered the elevator with her. The woman smiled and nodded at her as the dog sat down without being told. Isabella assumed by the woman's coarse wool coat, hand knit cap, and rubber boots that she was a servant given the duty of walking the dog in the frosty January weather.

The dog looked up at Isabella and wagged its tiny tail. Isabella held out her gloved hand so the dog could sniff it. When she had his approval, she scratched him behind the ears. His adoring eyes were nearly black, like liquid pools of oil in a sea of fluffy white. The young woman smiled at Isabella and asked if she would hit the button for the eighth floor.

The two women rode in silence, the standard etiquette on an elevator in some of the most valuable real estate in New York City where saying the wrong thing or even looking at someone the wrong way could result in ugly repercussions. ...

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