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Sacrifices: Chapter 6 La Bellethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 9306 words) [6/10] show all parts

Author: Fluffy_Kat Picture in profile
Added: May 18 2017Views / Reads: 361 / 191 [53%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
Our lovers are apart seemingly moved on with their lives until a spark reignites their passions. Is the spark enough to keep the embers of lust burning?

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Sacrifices Chapter 6: La Belle

Isabella received the invitation to the opening of Franco Vega's show at LaSalle's Art Gallery. She didn't want to attend the opening and chance an encounter with Franco. Since their affair ended nearly five years ago, she avoided being anywhere he might show up. But curiosity got the better of her and she decided to visit the gallery on a week day when Franco wouldn't likely be there.

Her life had changed drastically since the last time she set foot in the gallery six years ago when she met Franco for the first time. Now she was married to Broadway actor Gaylord Taylor and lived with him in a brownstone on Manhattan's Upper East Side along with her daughter Violet. She still worked as an interior decorator more to keep her busy and retain a modicum of independence just in case her sham of a marriage didn't pan out.

She had the cab driver drop her off down the block from the gallery and she walked along 57th Street, pretending to look in store windows on her way to the gallery. She needed the brief walk to build up her courage.

The weather was brisk; a sign that autumn had indeed arrived. The bright sunshine belied the cooler temperature making Isabella glad she wore a heavier wool suit. ...

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